Trump Refuses to ‘Believe’ Climate Report

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Step 3

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His administration just released a major report. It shows the massive impacts of the climate crisis. His response? “I don’t believe it.”

President Donald Trump was criticized on Monday because he did not believe his own scientists’ climate assessment.

“Seriously, the denial and confusion spread by Trump on climate change is a crime against humanity. Billions of people will suffer great pain for years to come.  Much, much, much worse than possibly stealing an election.” —Eric Holthaus

Trump was speaking to reporters outside the White House. He said he had seen the report. He said he had read some of it, and “it’s fine.” When asked about the report’s conclusion, Trump said, “I don’t believe it.”

“We cannot have a leader who ignores climate change while people suffer the results,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club.

“The climate assessment makes it clear that we need to act now. The terrible effects of climate change will badly affect the United States, and the world for those alive today, and for generations to come.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said on Twitter the president is “an international embarrassment and very dangerous”:

Another lawmaker speaking about Trump’s denial was Rep. Pramila Jayapal:

Some people were already angry before reading the 1,500-page report. The report was released the Friday before Thanksgiving. They say this was a plan to limit news focus on it.

Following its release, Brenda Ekwurzel, the director of climate science at the Union of Concerned Scientists said: 

“Because of the report’s findings, it’s very important that government take strong action to protect U.S. residents.  They need to reduce emissions and help communities adapt to the climate impacts.”

“The report is clear that a much larger scale response is required to keep people safe”, she continued.

Step 4

Answer the short poll question.

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Step 5

Practice using the vocabulary you have learned, and let the world know your opinion.

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