Christine Lagarde warns of ‘dark future’ if the world doesn’t fight global warming.

Christine Lagarde warns of ‘dark future’ if the world doesn’t fight global warming.

Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director says the world will be in deep trouble if it doesn’t address climate change and inequality.

She said we need to address these problems or we will be moving to a dark future” in 50 years, she said on Tuesday.

Lagarde said that “we will be toasted, roasted and grilled” if we don’t address climate change.

In 2015, 195 nations signed the Paris climate deal. This agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement wants to stop temperatures rising by more than two degrees.

But US President Donald Trump said in June that America would quit the deal. He said that it would hurt American jobs.

His move was very unpopular with world leaders. Former UN leader Ban Ki-moon said Trump was “standing on the wrong side of history”.

Lagarde also called for reducing inequality between men and women and rich and poor.

If the world wants a bright future, it needs to address these problems, Lagarde said. She thinks that in 50 years’ time, oil won’t be valuable.

In a statement, Lagarde praised Saudi Arabia for allowing women to drive cars for the first time. “Saudi Arabia is also trying to reduce limits on women getting jobs,” Lagarde said. 

Female jobs can improve through better policies she added.

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