Effective Presentation Skills

Step 1

The words and phrases below will appear in the video. Use the various Quizlet study modes to get used to the words. Enjoy!

Step 2

Watch the video and answer the questions. Good luck!

Step 3

Practice using hand gestures in the following situations.

  1. Visit the following website and study the hand gestures. Then try them out in the following situations:


  • list any 5 items.
  • a tiny bit
  • listen up!
  • everything!
  • small, medium or large
  • let me tell you
  • Explain that this is just a part of a problem.
  • Explain that something has grown.
  • You
  • Me
  • This and that
  • Come together
  • Stop this nonsense!
  • We

2. Now, find a short speech/presentation you admire. Practice saying the speech by using hand gestures.

3. Choose a topic and give a 1 minute presentation about it using hand gestures.

Step 1

The words and phrases below will appear in the video. Use the various Quizlet study modes to get used to the words. Enjoy!

Step 2

1. Watch the video and answer the questions.

Step 3

1.In a small group, practice the points made in the video by reading a speech you wrote.

2.Don’t worry about remembering your speech. Just practice making eye contact.

3.Practice in front of the class

Step 1

The words and phrases below will appear in the video. Use the various Quizlet study modes to get used to the words. Enjoy!

Step 2

Watch the video and answer the questions. Good luck!

Step 3

1.Use the same text you used previously and make bullet points for the text.

2.Then practice giving the speech to your group members.

3.Remember to make eye contact.

4.Practice in front of the class.

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