Year Zero: The Year When Wild Animals Are Gone


In our current system of normalized violence, we kill more animals in 4-12 hours than all the humans that ever died in wars throughout human history (< 1 billion). This normalized carnage is the root cause for wild animals to die out. This system of normalized violence, based on the possession, objectification and abuse of the feminine, also results in sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, casteism, ableism, ageism, speciesism, etc.
Therefore, a true solution to Prevent Year ZERO will also address social justice issues that have been plaguing human societies for centuries. Fortunately, we now have all the open-source tools and technologies we need to design and operationalize such a solution. Vegan World 2026! envisions a system of normalized nonviolence in a radically affirmative social vision for the future. It is the “moonshot” of our generation…

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